Tiger Gardens is our home garden from which we make 37+ different canned goods. Each jar has the date it was canned, which means it is good for 18 months at least unopened. Opened, it’s good as long as any other jarred product from the store would be. Except … ours has no chemicals, no preservatives, and is made with lots of love! Our recipes are family-tested recipes. And we love to get recipes from our customers! We use only natural ingredients, mostly vegetables from our garden and a few spices. The shelf life comes from pressure canning, not from preservatives. Our food is much better for you than store-bought, and much tastier! Our blog has many how-to videos of how we garden and can our recipes! More added weekly!
You can pre-order online at www.tigergardens.biz by 5pm Friday for Saturday Market pick-up! Please note some items may be out of stock.
Check out our blog videos and our Facebook page!